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Master’s Degrees in Energy and Resources(MS、MA)





2 Years


$ 16,955.75










The min­i­mum require­ment for admis­sion to the Master’s Degree pro­gram is com­ple­tion of a Bachelor’s degree or its equiv­a­lent at a fully accred­ited U.S. insti­tu­tion of higher learn­ing or for­eign equiv­a­lent. Because the pro­gram is fun­da­men­tally inter­dis­ci­pli­nary, there are no other for­mal require­ments for con­sid­er­a­tion, although, as dis­cussed above, suc­cess­ful can­di­dates will demon­strate aca­d­e­mic and intel­lec­tual excel­lence. Please review the UC Berkeley Graduate Division minimum requirements for admission as a graduate student at

The minimum graduate admission requirements are:

a bachelor’s degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution;

a satisfactory scholastic average, usually a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale; and

enough undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field.


The Energy and Resources Group seeks stu­dents who have excelled aca­d­e­m­i­cally, what­ever their dis­ci­pline; who show promise of abil­ity to cross dis­ci­pli­nary bound­aries; and who want not only to under­stand prob­lems of energy, resources, and envi­ron­ment but to help solve them.

ERG deliberately admits students with a wide variety of interests, perspectives, disciplines, research methods, and experience so that each can help the others see the whole picture.

Admis­sion to ERG is highly com­pet­i­tive, with a class of 20 stu­dents selected annu­ally from approximately 350 appli­cants.

Those admit­ted to the pro­gram have strong aca­d­e­mic records and let­ters of rec­om­men­da­tion, bal­anced and strong GRE scores, and, where applic­a­ble, related work expe­ri­ence and pub­li­ca­tions. The state­ment of pur­pose, sup­ple­mented by the per­sonal his­tory state­ment, is vital in demon­strat­ing an applicant’s com­mit­ment to the pro­gram.

You may apply to the two-year Master’s Degree (M.S. or M.A.), ERG/Public Policy Concurrent Master’s Degree (M.S. or M.A.) or the Ph.D. program.

A two-year Master’s Degree and a strong interdisciplinary background is required for application directly to the Ph.D. If you plan to start in the Master’s Degree progam and hope to continue to the ERG Ph.D. program, you should indicate your interest by checking the Master’s applications Master’s/Ph.D. checkbox. If you are not sure about your future Ph.D. plans, you will have an opportunity to revisit this question during the Master’s Program.

The online application for admission Fall 2018 will be available on September 5, 2017 . The application deadline is Friday, December 1, 2017 by 8:59 pm PST.

Admissions decisions will be announced in Spring 2018. ERG admits students only in the Fall term. You can learn more about the graduate programs at UC Berkeley and access the application on the Graduate Division website here.

TOEFL, IELTS and GRE: Late test scores submitted after Dec. 1, 2017 will not be accepted. However, we will accept self-reported scores until the final score report can be verified. Please self-report your unofficial score results on your application by the Dec.1 deadline.

Transcripts: Please upload your transcripts to your application as pdf files. UC Berkeley does not require official transcripts until you are admitted.

Grades for Courses in Progress : please list on your application all relevant courses you are taking in the fall term and forward your final transcript to as soon as it becomes available. ERG will post late transcripts from Fall 2016 to your file for you.

Letters of Recommendation: Letters should be submitted by your recommender by Friday Dec. 1, 2017. They will receive an email link to upload their letter directly to the online system. Letters of recommendation may not be uploaded or submitted by the applicant.

Late Letters of Recommendation: Late letters will be accepted until Tuesday, January 2, 2018 (Public Policy Concurrent Degrees will not accept late letters). If a letter writer has an exceptional situation that would prevent them from meeting the extended deadline or uploading their letter to the online system, please ask them to contact

For any other questions contact






The graduate courses in ERG provide advanced training in interdisciplinary analysis and research. Individual courses review current developments in the field or emphasize particular disciplinary perspectives: economics, resources, politics, public policy, or environmental sciences.

Master’s Degrees in Energy and Resources

The pur­pose of the ERG Master’s pro­gram is to edu­cate the next gen­er­a­tion of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary lead­ers. Stu­dents are taught the range of meth­ods and sub­jects they should be able to under­stand, advance, and cri­tique to address crit­i­cal issues stem­ming from the inter­ac­tion of humans and the envi­ron­ment. To that end, the require­ments for the ERG master’s degree are both broad and deep, stress­ing ana­lytic, method­olog­i­cal, the­o­ret­i­cal, and prac­ti­cal approaches to prob­lems in energy, resources, and the environment.

The course require­ments pro­vide for a sub­stan­tive intro­duc­tion to the dis­ci­pli­nary approaches that are employed in study­ing energy and resource issues. The require­ments also ensure expe­ri­ence in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary analy­sis applied to a key resource con­cern. The cur­ricu­lum pro­vides an oppor­tu­nity—through a top­i­cal clus­ter and an inde­pen­dent project—to extend and deepen the areas of inves­ti­ga­tion and under­stand­ing to sat­isfy the intel­lec­tual inter­ests of each student.

The cur­ricu­lum is intended to serve those stu­dents for whom the master’s degree will be the final for­mal edu­ca­tion in sup­port of a pro­fes­sional career and also those stu­dents who intend to con­tinue their edu­ca­tion, for exam­ple by pur­su­ing a PhD in Energy and Resources.

Master’s/PhD Track

A small num­ber of highly qual­i­fied appli­cants will be selected for the Master’s/PhD Track. The track is both an indi­ca­tion of your intent to con­tinue to the PhD pro­gram at ERG, and ERG’s expec­ta­tion that you will to be qual­i­fied to con­tinue to doc­toral work after sat­is­fy­ing the master’s degree require­ments. It does not oblig­ate you, or ERG, to your even­tual matric­u­la­tion to the PhD. Can­di­dates admit­ted into the joint Master’s/PhD track will be expected to com­plete all the require­ments of the ERG Master’s Degree before con­tin­u­ing.

ERG Con­cur­rent Degree Pro­grams (MPP/MA or MMP/MS)

The Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and the The Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy (GSPP) offer a MPP-ERG (MA or MS) con­cur­rent degree pro­gram that inte­grates the strengths of pub­lic pol­icy ana­lyt­i­cal tools with the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary knowl­edge and exper­tise in energy and resources. Stu­dents com­plete both pro­grams in three years and receive a master’s of pub­lic pol­icy (MPP) as well as a master’s degree in Energy and Resources (MA or MS).

Matric­u­la­tion from the Master’s to the PhD

Stu­dents who begin on the Master’s/ PhD Track, as well as those who are admit­ted to the two-year master’s degree pro­gram, will have an oppor­tu­nity to declare their inter­est in con­tin­u­ing to the PhD dur­ing the third semes­ter of the two-year master’s program.

To offi­cially matric­u­late into the PhD pro­gram, all master’s degree stu­dents must meet the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria: 1) they must meet all the require­ments of the master’s degree pro­gram and 2) they must have a let­ter from one ladder-rank fac­ulty mem­ber in the ERG core or affil­i­ate pool that indi­cates a com­mit­ment to serve as the student’s PhD advi­ser and an assess­ment of the types of projects the stu­dent could work on dur­ing PhD stud­ies. If the stu­dent does not meet these cri­te­ria he or she will be given the oppor­tu­nity to fin­ish any addi­tional course work, if nec­es­sary, to com­plete the require­ments of the master’s degree, but will not matric­u­late to the PhD program.

PhD in Energy and Resources

The admis­sion require­ment for the PhD is that the total­ity of the student’s course­work after the bachelor’s degree, includ­ing courses taken at other uni­ver­si­ties and inside and out­side of ERG at Berke­ley, must meet the sub­stan­tive and unit require­ments for the ERG MA or MS degree.

There is no for­mal lan­guage require­ment for the PhD degree. How­ever, those stu­dents con­duct­ing research in a non-English speak­ing coun­try must demon­strate com­pe­tency in the lan­guage of the country.

After the doc­toral stu­dent and his or her advi­sers have agreed on a sub­ject for the dis­ser­ta­tion, the stu­dent must defend in a three-hour oral exam­i­na­tion the suit­abil­ity of the topic and his/her prepa­ra­tion for attack­ing it. This exam, called the qual­i­fy­ing exam­i­na­tion, is con­ducted by a com­mit­tee of four fac­ulty mem­bers cho­sen by the stu­dent, in con­sul­ta­tion with his/her fac­ulty advi­ser and sub­ject to the approval of the graduate dean.

This exam­i­na­tion should be taken at least one year before the expected com­ple­tion of the dis­ser­ta­tion. The final require­ment for the PhD is com­ple­tion of the dis­ser­ta­tion to the sat­is­fac­tion of a com­mit­tee con­sist­ing of three fac­ulty advisers/readers cho­sen by the stu­dent, sub­ject to approval by the grad­u­ate dean. The PhD degree in Energy and Resources is typ­i­cally com­pleted three to five years beyond the master’s degree.


  • Complete a minimum of 40 post-baccalaureate units.
  • Complete a minimum of 18 units of graduate-level study in energy and resources, some of which can be fulfilled by courses from other departments and schools.
  • Complete the ERG Masters Degree Series:
  • ER 201 – Interdisciplinary Analysis in Energy and Resources (3 units)
  • ER 292B – Master’s Research Skills and Project Development (2 units)
  • ER 292C – Masters Project Development (2 units)
  • 292D – Masters Project Presentation (2 units)
  • ER 295 – ERG Colloquium (2 units) Two semesters are required to ensure exposure to a broad array of topics and approaches.
  • Six additional units of approved graduate-level courses
  • Complete one course from each of the A-E Requirements listed below.
  • Complete a Master’s project. An undertaking of an independent investigation that culminates in an oral presentation before the ERG community and a written report approved by two faculty readers.
  • Complete a cluster of three courses (minimum of 9 units) in a subject area defined by the student and approved by his/her advisor. This cluster is designed to ensure depth of study in a topic within the domain of Energy and Resources. At least one of these courses (3 units) must be a graduate-level course. Suitable areas include (but are not limited to) climate change, energy, water, environmental justice, and development. The cluster may include one of the courses used to satisfy the Area A-E requirement, and cluster courses can fulfill the requirement of 18 units of graduate-level study in energy and resources.
  • The following limits and restrictions apply on credit toward the 40-unit requirement:
  • A maximum of 4 units of 299 (individual research) credits can be counted.
  • 298 units (group study) cannot be counted.


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